The Communications Team works to an agreed plan of activity for the year, which is reviewed at an Executive level on a regular basis.
Any additional requests for support to the team must be made using the form below. These additional requests for support will be prioritised against organisational objectives and against the activity that is already planned.
Your answers to the following sections will help us confirm the level of support that we can provide for your project.
As a general rule, at least six weeks’ notice is required to properly plan and prepare a communications campaign, including commissioning production of materials (if required).
Shorter notification may limit the amount of support which can be provided and is likely to make your communications plan less effective.
Depending on the requirements/priority of your project, we may not be able to directly support you, but can offer advice and support in the form of templates/toolkits that can be used by your own team.
How to apply for support
Complete the form below, and submit it. If your request is urgent, please state this on the form.
All commissioning requests are reviewed on a weekly basis. We will be in touch with you after your application for support has been considered at our senior team meeting.
Budget approval
There is no central communications budget for paid for communications support which involves external suppliers.
If your project involves external suppliers (printers, designers, photographers) or printed material then a purchase order will need to be raised by your service before they can start any work. If you think that it is likely that your project will require paid-for support, please include your cost centre budget details at the end of the form.
You will be given costs in advance of work commencing. No work will be commissioned without your prior agreement.