Do you have some news or information you need to share with the wider organisation?
The best communications come from people. We are all more likely to look at and trust messages from people that we know or who we perceive as similar to us, before we will pay attention to organisations or people that are unfamiliar to us.
This page has some top tips and resources to help you communicate effectively with the organisation.
Things to consider
- Is this just for information such as letting colleagues know your team has moved location or do I need others to take action based on the information such as changing a process or way we do things?
- Who is impacted by your news or change? Which colleagues are directly or indirectly effected and how will you tailor your communications to them?
- When is the change happening and how much notice will people need for what is required of them?
- How can you make your information more relevant and connect with your intended audience? Could you appeal to their emotions through real life examples? Could you appeal to their logic, through facts and statistics? Would a figure of authority appeal to them? Someone who is respected and knowledgeable on the topic or someone who is an acknowledged leader.
Suggested tools and tips
- Let colleagues know directly – if you need to communicate with colleagues who are beyond your personal network we recommend contacting relevant managers and asking them to let their teams know or seek opportunities to speak to or present to them directly.
- Create a briefing document to help colleagues easily understand what you want to tell them, what action you want colleagues to take and to help managers inform their teams [link]
- Ask for an agenda item in any key meetings
- Ask your manager and team members to share in any meetings they attend
- Include a line in your email signature – you could also include a link to any briefings
Corporate communications channels
- Thank colleagues who have supported the project by submitting a Thank You Thursday. This is a hugely popular resource that from feedback is well read by colleagues.
- Submit an article for Liverpool News
- Share the information to the Staff Facebook Group. Any member of the group can post a message and messages from named colleagues (rather than posted anonymously) tend to get a greater response. The staff Facebook Group currently has nearly 5,000 followers and can be a really useful resource for communicating with a wide range of colleagues across the Trust.
If you need further help or advice from the Communications Team, or need support with any branded materials or media activity, please contact the Communications Team here.
For a bigger project you might find it helpful to create a communications plan. This easy to use guide will help by providing a basic framework for defining your audience, message, methods of communication and how you will measure its success.
Don't forget, if your project is successful remember to think about how you will share and celebrate good news or achievements!