We have developed the following policies to ensure that a consistent approach is taken towards some of the key functions of the Communications team and to provide clarity on how these areas of work should be approached for colleagues outside of the Communications team.

Please ensure you are familiar with these policies and act in accordance with them at all times. If you have any questions about the contents of these policies, please email: communications@liverpoolft.nhs.uk.

  • The Social Media Policy has been developed to ensure colleagues are aware of their personal responsibilities for the appropriate use of social media as well as to provide clarity on the process for creating social media accounts associated with their service or department.
  • The Corporate Identity Policy sets out how our corporate identity contributes to the image of the Trust and how it will be represented consistently across all Trust locations - including phaysical, virtual and digital displays – as well as all communications channels.
  • The Advertising Policy ensures a consistent approach is taken to any advertising that takes place on Trust property or within printed and electronic material produced by the Trust.
  • The Media Management Policy sets out clearly the roles and responsibilities for dealing with media enquiries concerning the Trust as well as detailing how media should be managed proactively.

You can access all of our policies via Our Documents.