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Do you or your team have some good news to share? Maybe you have received an award or accreditation, or perhaps you’ve seen noticeable improvements in your area and want to acknowledge the hard work of your team to achieve this.

Celebrating success is really important for helping us all feel valued and appreciated in work. Sharing the good news with your colleagues can also help spread the positivity more widely. This doesn’t just mean shouting about the big successes such as awards, it’s also recognising staff for their contributions when things go well and when we have made an improvement. 

Some things to consider

  • Send a thank you and congratulations note to the colleagues who have been involved
  • Mention it in your next team meeting or other meetings you attend – we recommend making this a regular feature in your team meeting agendas to encourage you to recognise what’s been going well recently and recognise good work
  • Post on social media, this could include our Staff Facebook Group where you can share the news with nearly 5000 colleagues! 
  • Submit a message to Thank You Thursday 
  • Nominate a colleague or team for a Heart of LUHFT Staff Award or consider nominating for an external award
  • Contact the Communications Team and we can advise whether it is something that we would be able to feature in our communications such as the staff magazine, our social media, or something that may get interest from the media.