Welcome to the Comms Hub!

Good communication is an essential part of our working life, from letting patients and service users know what to expect from their care, to communicating with colleagues about things we need from them, changes we need them to know about, or sharing our good news and success stories.

The Communications and Marketing Team have created this hub, filled with resources and guidance, to help you become an expert communicator, and to advise you on when to involve us in your work.

What we do

The Communications Team are responsible for corporate internal communications, media relations, stakeholder relations, our websites, social media, brand management, communications campaigns and events which support the organisation’s activity.

We can also provide support, guidance and resources for colleagues to enable you to communicate effectively in your work. The level of support and advice we offer depends on the nature of the project, the communications objectives, prioritisation and team capacity.

How-to guides and branded templates

We've pulled together some handy guides to support you in communicating effectively, whether that's with your own team, or to other colleagues in the organisation.

If you're creating a presentation, a leaflet for patients, a poster for your staff area or a video, you will need the most up-to-date brand materials to ensure that you are conveying the organisation in the best light. You can find branded templates and guidance on how to use these correctly on the brand pages.


Support requests

If you are leading on a project that you think may need input from the Communications team (including graphic design requests), please contact us through a support request form as early as possible to allow for discussion about support.

If you are contacted by a journalist or somebody who identifies themselves as a member of the media, please refer them directly to the Communications Team to ensure a fast, effective and consistent response: communications@liverpoolft.nhs.uk

We're really keen to share your good news, but any proactive media must always be led by the Communications Team. We ask that colleagues kindly do not engage in any media relations concerning patients, work or projects at the Trust without prior involvement and agreement from the Communications Team.

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