The Admin Academy ensures new and existing staff are fully trained in all patient administrative functions to help standardise the process across LUHFT, which supports both our colleagues in their career development and the patient experience at LUHFT.
We recognise our admin teams are pivotal to the management of our patients’ pathway from their referral to hospital, new appointments, clinic outcomes, diagnostics, pre-op, inpatients, through to when they’re discharged home.
The aim is to continue to develop the programme to cover training for all patient administrative functions to include diagnostics training, operational performance and waiting list management training.
Current training courses on offer (read full details below):
- Outpatient admin Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU) training
- Outpatient admin ‘Getting the basics right’ training part 1 – Patient Journey from referral to clinic outcome (Please note this training module is different per site/service due to current booking model services in place in the trust)
- Slot amendments and overbooking training
- eOutcomes
- Flow Manager and eOutcomes
- Validation
- Elective Care Referral to Treatment (RTT)
This is classroom-based, face-to-face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites by request.
The training length will depend on the components of the course content that have been requested. All components combined together cover a patients journey from registering the patient right through to outcoming the patient after attending their clinic appointment.
The training will be an interactive Q&A based session which will involve i.PM demonstrations, a quiz, and an evaluation to collect feedback at the end.
Intended Audience
Existing outpatient administration and new starters in devolved areas who are using i.PM
Getting the basics right training on i.PM will lead to…
- Standardisation, all working the same way, following the same work instructions
- Correct information being inputted into the patient administration system and getting it right first time
- Ensuring patients are not being missed and providing a better service to patients
- Patients seeing the right consultant, in the right clinic, at the right time
- Reducing duplications of referrals, waiting lists and appointments
- No guess work and reassurance
Course content:
- Component 1:
- Registering and Tracing patients
- Adding External and Internal referrals
- Adding a new waiting list entry
- Booking from a waiting list
- Creating a waiting list and booking an appointment at the same time (for fully booked services)
- How to check an appointment is connected to a waiting list
- Recording patient telephone contact information
- Re-starting the RTT clock for a new DNA
- Component 2:
- Saving referral letters to Epro
- Arriving and demographics
- Clinic outcomes and onward actions i.e., discharge, add to waiting list, booking an appointment, request for listing
- Capacity escalation process
- DNA outcomes
- Coding
- Component 1 & 2 combined
This is classroom-based, face-to-face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites by request.
The training length will depend on the components of the course content that have been requested and will cover an overview of a patients journey from the start of the PIFU process to requesting an appointment or being discharged at the end of a pathway.
The training will be an interactive Q&A based session which will involve i.PM and DrDoctor demonstrations and an evaluation to collect feedback at the end.
Intended Audience
Existing Outpatient administration and new starters in LUHFT who have responsibility for adding to a PIFU waiting list, actioning booking requests in DrDoctor or booking PIFU patient appointment requests.
Course content:
- Understanding Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
Dependant on training request:
- Component 1: How to outcome a clinic appointment and add to PIFU waiting list in i.PM
- Component 2: How to action a booking request in DrDoctor
- Component 3: Booking a PIFU patient appointment request via a waiting list in i.PM.
This is classroom-based, face-to-face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites by request. Focusing on the training of existing patient administration and new starters
This 1-hour training session will cover using the Outpatient Clinic Diary Manager in i.PM to make slot amendments and be able to overbook slots with permission.
Intended Audience
Outpatient admin staff responsible for making one off amendments to an existing clinic in i.PM.
Course content:
- Change slot rules including Priority (urgent/routine) and Visit type (new/follow up).
- Change slot rules to allow more patients to be booked into a specific slot time
- Make a specific slot no longer available.
- Make a specific slot available.
- Add an instruction to a slot.
- Overbook and alter slot times using variable slot.
- Overbook by extending the session.
Add rules into the additional slot.
eOutcomes is replacing paper forms with a digital process. This is classroom-based, face-to-face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites in co-ordination with the Digital Project Teams roll out schedule by site/service across LUHFT.
Please note your service will be contacted to arrange training in due course prior to your proposed go live date.
The training will be an interactive Q&A based session which will involve i.PM and InTouch demonstrations and an evaluation to collect feedback at the end.
Intended Audience
Outpatient admin staff responsible for outcoming clinics.
Course content:
- Understanding eOutcomes
- Clinician responsibilities
- Understanding where to access eOutcomes on inTouch
- Walk-in a patient on i.PM and manually add patients to an InTouch clinic list
- Recording eOutcome required actions in i.PM: -
- Discharge
- Add to OP waiting list
- Awaiting results
- Add to IP/Day case waiting list
- Future appointment
- Discharge
- DNA Discharge
- DNA Reappoint
- eOutcome ‘write back’ failure and required action (red speech bubble)
- How to escalate incomplete eOutcomes/eOutcome reports.
Flow Manager covers eOutcomes is replacing paper forms with a digital process. This is classroom-based, face-to-face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites in co-ordination with the Digital Project Teams roll out schedule by site/service across LUHFT.
Please note your service will be contacted to arrange training in due course prior to your proposed go live date.
The training will be an interactive Q&A based session which will involve i.PM and InTouch demonstrations and an evaluation to collect feedback at the end.
Intended Audience
Outpatient admin staff responsible for sitting clinics, arriving patients and outcoming clinics.
Course content:
- Understanding what Flow Manager is and the benefits
- Setting your preferences
- Understanding the Flow Manager Dashboard
- Understanding the Patient Journey
- Understanding eOutcomes
- Clinician responsibilities
- Understanding where to access eOutcomes on inTouch
- Walk-in a patient on i.PM and manually add patients to an InTouch clinic list
- Recording eOutcome required actions in i.PM: -
- - Discharge
- - Add to OP waiting list
- - Awaiting results
- - Add to IP/Day case waiting list
- - Future appointment
- - Discharge
- - DNA Discharge
- - DNA Reappoint
- eOutcome ‘write back’ failure and required action (red speech bubble)
- How to escalate incomplete eOutcomes/eOutcome reports
This is classroom-based face to face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites by request.
The training will be an interactive Q&A based session which will involve i.PM and demonstrations and an evaluation to collect feedback at the end.
Intended Audience
Outpatient admin staff responsible for validation.
Course content:
- Understanding eOutcomes
- What is Data Quality/Importance of Data Quality
- Understanding admin validation and clinical validation
- Understanding the follow up Patient Tracking List (PTL)
- Checking clinic letters on EPRO, ADT Dashboard, SIGMA archive
- How to add patients to the lists for clinical review in SharePoint
- Discharge patients - how to close referral and waiting list if applicable
- How to edit a waiting list if required (different list name or different appointment by date)
- How to check appointments are connected to a waiting list
- Checking duplicate waiting lists entries and correcting (connecting to appointment or removing)
- How to add a waiting list entry if required
This is classroom-based, face-to-face training, delivered in the Admin Academy (Oak House, Aintree) or at individual team locations across all LUHFT sites by request.
The training will be an interactive Q&A based session which will involve an evaluation to collect feedback at the end.
Intended Audience
LUHFT admin staff responsible for updating Referral to Treatment (RTT) pathways.
Course content:
- Understanding the application of RTT rules
- What is RTT/18-week RTT pathway/RTT status
- Pathway stages: non-admitted, diagnostic, non-patient facing, pre-operative, admitted
- RTT codes
- Pathway types: non-admitted and admitted
- Planned patients
- RTT reporting
- What is not applicable to RTT
- Clock starts, re-starts, continues, stops
- Direct to test referrals
- Tertiary referrals
- Referrals from ED/AED
- Ward discharge referrals
- Private patient referrals
- Reasonable notice
- Patient delays
- Patient choice (2 dates declined)
- Patient initiated delays
- Ongoing diagnostic tests
- Understanding Unfit vs Unwell
- Helpful clinic letter phrases.