The critical care research specialty supports a national and international studies of high quality research relating to the care of critically ill patients. The research relates primarily to intensive care, high dependency and acute medical care.

Critical care research explores treatment and diagnostic options to decrease complications and improve outcomes for people who are critically ill. Common conditions associated with critical illnesses include sepsis, renal failure, acute respiratory failure, and shock.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of organ failure and long-term consequences of critical illness is the focus of critical care studies. Research nurses, intensive care consultants and trainees, research fellows, Allied Health Professionals and associate PIs form our multi-disciplinary workforce form an active research team. Much of our research work is done in collaboration with the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

The COVID-19 pandemic

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the critical care speciality has helped deliver numerous studies as part of the international effort to develop knowledge and diagnostics and treatment for COVID-19.

Current studies:

- This trial is currently closed to recruitment.